Abbreviations in Logistics

Abbreviations Decoding Meaning of abbreviations
ATA Actual Time of Arrival Actual time of a vehicle arrival
ATD Actual Time of Departure Actual time of a vehicle departure
AWB Air Waybill Waybill that accompanies goods. There are two types of it:

  1. HAWB (House Air Waybill) – home bill, initially has no number, but then gets it from a shipping agent. This one is supporting.
  2. MAWB (Master Air Waybill) – master air waybill has a number assigned by the airline.
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor Additional fuel surcharge. It is charged as partial freight amount or as a fixed amount per 1 TEU.


B/L Bill of Lading Bill of lading, a document accompanying the goods. It is used for ocean freight and multimodal ocean fright.
CAF Currency Adjustment Factor Additional fee that is charged as a surcharge or partial freight amount. Depends on currency fluctuations.
CFS Container Freight Station Container Freight Station
CMR Convention relative au Contrat de transport international de merchandises par route International waybill for transport


CNEE Consignee Consignee
CNOR Consignor Consignor
C/O Certificate of Origin Certificate of Origin. Is used   to determine the country of origin (manufacture) of goods
COC Сarrier’s Оwned Container Container in a carrier property. Use value is included in the freight.
CSC Carrier security charge Fee for carrier security protection.
C.S.C Container Service Charge Fee for goods transportation from the quay to the carrier, and vice versa.
CY Container Yard Container Yard
DIM Dimensions Dimensions of cargo
DGR Dangerous Goods Regulations Dangerous Goods Regulations


DOC Documentation fee Fee for documents preparation
DTHC Destination terminal handling charges Cargo handling in the port of destination


ETA Estimated Time of Arrival Estimated time of arrival to the place of destination


ETD Estimated Time of Departure Estimated time of goods departure
EX-1 Export declaration Export Declaration. The document provides information on all exported goods.


FCL Full Container Load Full container load.
FEU Forty foot equivalent Unit 40-foot container


FIATA Federation International des Associations de Transitaires et Assimiles International shipping agents association
FI/FO Free in/Free out Without goods loading / unloading in a port
FIO Free in and out The vessel does not pay for loading and unloading
FIOS Free in and out and stowed The vessel does not pay for loading, unloading and goods stowing aboard.
FT Flat Rack Container-platform with end walls
HBL House B/L The bill of lading issued by a shipping agent
HQ High Cube 40 -foot container High Cube. Has a larger capacity than a conventional container.
IATA International Air Transport Association International Air Transport Association
IG In Gauge Goods delivery with help of special equipment – load does not oversize the dimensions of the platform.
INV Commercial Invoice Invoice account is issued by seller, is used to specify the goods value.


L/C Letter of Credit Letter of Credit. It is signed during contract signing. Defines the terms of payment and goods delivery.
LCL Less than Container Load Consolidated transportation – a few goods are together in one container.
LI/LO Liner in/out Goods loading and unloading of goods at the expense of the line
LO/LO Lift on/Lift off Lift on/Lift off
LT Local Time Local Time
MBL Master B/L The main bill of lading. It is issued by a shipping line.
MV Mother Vessel Large-capacity liner


N/N Nоn-negotiable Document Document, which does not give right to receive goods.
NVOCC Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier Broker who sells the place for ships loading, which does not belong to him.
OBL Original B/L Original bill of Lading
OOG Out of Gauge Delivery with help of special equipment – load oversizes the dimensions of the platform.
OT Open Top Container without hardtop
OTHC Original terminal handling charges Handling charges in the port of shipment


ORC Origin receiving charges Charges in China
PACK Packing List Packing list. Gives an idea of ​​goods location.
PCS Port Congestion Surcharge Fees that depend on the workload of container terminal.
POD Port of Destination Port of Destination
POL Port of Loading Port of Loading
PSS Pick Season Surcharge Freight surcharge that depends on season fluctuations of demand for transportation.
RO/RO Roll-on/Roll-off Ship that takes rolling cargo aboard
SWB Sea Way Bill Sea Way Bill
TEU Twenty foot Equivalent Unit 20-foot container


THC Terminal Handling Charge Port charges for container transfer from the quay to the carrier, and vice versa.
TLC Three-Letter-Code Three-Letter-Code of an airport
T/S Transshipment Vessel overloading
T/T Transit Time Transit Time
T-1 Transit declaration Transit declaration
ULD Unit Load Device Containers, pallets, modules for luggage loading on a plane.
WHS War Risk Surcharge Freight surcharge. It takes into account the risk of vessel loss and cargo loss due to military actions.



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