Classification of dangerous goods ADR (Accord Dangereuses Route)

Hazard class Hazard subclass Name and description of subclass
  1. Explosive substances, which can cause a fire with an explosive action. Pyrotechnic substances and articles
1.1 Explosives and pyrotechnic substances and articles , which explode on a mass scale – explosion covers the entire load;
1.2 Explosives and pyrotechnic substances and products with no mass explosion hazard ;
1.3 Explosives and pyrotechnic substances and articles that can flame out without explosives or with a minor blasting out;
1.4 Explosives and pyrotechnic substances and products with a minor blast hazard – only in case of ignition or initiation. The explosion does not destroy the packing and devices;
1.5 Explosive substances that can explode on a mass scale; initiation or transition from burning to explosion while transporting is highly improbable;
1.6 Detonation-insensitive articles which do not explode on a mass scale; minor possibility of explosion hazard.
  1. Gases – compressed, lysed under pressure and liquefied by cooling
2.1 Non-flammable gases;
2.2 Non-flammable toxic gases;
2.3 flammable gases;
2.4 flammable toxic gases;
2.5 chemically unstable gases;
2.6 Toxic chemically unstable gases;
A choking;
O oxidizing;
F flammable;
T toxic;
TF toxic, flammable;
TC poisonous, corrosive;
TO toxic , oxidizing;
TFC toxic , flammable , corrosive;
TOC toxic , oxidizing , corrosive;
  1. Flammable and combustible liquids, mixtures of liquids. Liquids containing solids in solution. Suspensions that exhale.


3.1 flammable liquids that have a low explosion temperature or liquids with an explosion temperature – 18°C in a closed crucible;
3.2 flammable liquids with a mean explosion temperature – from – 18°C to + 23°C in a closed crucible;
3.3 flammable liquids with a high explosion temperature – from 23°C to + 61°C, including a closed crucible;
a very dangerous;
b dangerous;
c less dangerous;
  1. Self-ignitable substances, flammable solids. Substances that exhale in case of water contamination.
4.1 Substances that can easily ignite by sparks, flame or friction. Actively burning;
4.2 flammable substances, that can spontaneous heat and ignite;
4.3 substances that emit flammable gases in case of water contamination;
  1. Organic peroxides, oxidizing substances, easily emit oxygen and sustain combustion.


5.1 Non-combustible oxidizing substances, conduce combustibility of other substances. During combustion they emit oxygen;
5.2 flammable organic peroxides are generally combustible, can oxidize other substances and dangerously interact with them;
a strongly conduce combustion;
b conduce combustion;
c insignificantly conduce combustion.
  1. Toxic and infectious substances. Can cause a toxication, a disease or death.
6.1 toxic substances that cause toxication by inhalation, contacting with skin and if swallowed;
6.2 substances containing pathogenic germs;
a very toxic;
b toxic;
c weakly toxic;
  1. Radioactive substances with specific activity above 70 kBq / kg.
medicines and equipment using radioactive elements, uranium nitrite – cause disorders of the immune system, burns, cance , compositional change of blood, hair loss, etc.
  1. Caustic and corrosive substances: mercury, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, ammonia solutions , etc. Corrode materials, corrode living tissues.
8.1 oxides;
8.2 alkalies;
8.3 caustic and corrosive substances;
a very corrosive;
b corrosive;
c weakly corrosive;
  1. Substances not classified to any of the previous classes. Require abidance by the terms of transportation and storage. Low hazard while shipment
9.1 liquid and solid flammable materials, not included in classes 3 and 4, fire hazard under certain conditions;
9.2 substances which become caustic and corrosive under certain conditions;
b dangerous;
c less dangerous;

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